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Working Paper: Ofcom’s Record as a Competition Authority: An Assessment of Decisions in Telecoms
FSR Communications & Media have published a working paper by Pietro Crocioni, Ofcom’s Record as a Competition Authority: An Assessment of Decisions in Telecoms. The instrument of concurrency, whereby UK regulatory authorities share and...
Policy Brief on Assessing Innovation Theories of Harm in EU Merger Control
Read our policy brief on ‘Assessing Innovation Theories of Harm under EU Merger Control’ for a comprehensive overview of the policy debate regarding the most recent trends recorded in the innovation competition assessment of horizontal merger effects, namely the elaboration of a novel innovation theory of harm in the field of EU merger control.
Please access the policy brief here.
Policy Brief on Innovation and Market Power in the Food Supply Chain: Challenges for Competition Policy and Regulation
Our policy brief summarises the main views that emerged during the workshop jointly organised by RSCAS and Assonime in Florence in September. The discussion revolved around the analysis of the impact of innovation on the food supply chain. The role played by the new rules on unfair trading practices and the extent to which e-commerce is changing the retail food industry are among the topics discussed during the workshop, jointly organised by RSCAS and Assonime on ‘Innovation and Market Power in the Food Supply Chain: Challenges for Competition Policy and Regulation.’