The team

Zoraida Frias
Scientific Committee
Polytechnic University of Madrid
Contact info
Dr. Zoraida Frias received her MSc in Telecommunication Engineering in 2009 from Universidad de Málaga (Spain) and her PhD in Communications Systems and Technologies in 2016 from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). Since 2016, she is an Assistant Professor at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, where she contributes in research projects related to the deployment of telecommunications infrastructure, its economics and the implications for regulation and public policies. Her research interests revolve around data-driven models for telecommunications infrastructure, especially in regards to next-generation mobile networks analytics and spectrum management.
She is currently an Associate Professor at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and has been a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania (US), at the University of Cambridge (UK) and at the TU Berlin and the Weizenbaum Institute (Germany). A firm believer in the power of technology to transform the world, she actively participates in activities with the Internet Governance Forum in Spain (IGF Spain) and is passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship.
Personal website: https://zoraidafrias.com/