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Postal and Delivery Economics Conference - selected papers
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On 20 April 2023 the Centre for a Digital Society organised the online seminar “Reshuffling the connectivity ecosystem“. The seminar fostered an engaged and balanced debate on timely issues for the future of the telecommunications sector, gathering perspectives from academics and industry leaders. During the discussion, the speakers referred to various reports, academic reports and other sources on the topic, some of which we have the pleasure to share with participants and all those who are interested in the topic.
Moreover, the recordings of the event will soon be published on our Resources repository.
Additional readings
- AXON (2022), Europe’s internet ecosystem: socio-economic benefits of a fairer balance between tech giants and telecom operators.
- Australia (2021), Treasury Laws Amendment (News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code) Act 2021.
- BEREC (2022), Preliminary assessment of the underlying assumptions of payments from large CAPs to ISPs.
- Briglauer, W., Cambini, C., Gugler, K. and V. Stocker (2022), Net neutrality and high-speed broadband networks: evidence from OECD countries.
- DisCo Discruptive Competition Project (2022), New Korean legislation undermines Internet norms and raises broad trade concerns.
- Frontier Economics (2022), Estimating OTT traffic-related costs on European telecommunications networks.
- ITU/UNESCO (2021), 21st Century Financing Models for Bridging Broadband Connectivity Gaps.
- Jullien, B. and M. Bouvard (2023), Fair cost sharing: big tech v telcos.
- Lehr, W. and V. Stocker (2023), Next-generation networks: Necessity of edge sharing.
- Neumann, K.-H., Wiewiorra, L., Baischew, D. and P. Kroon (2022), Competitive conditions on transit and peering markets (WIK Consult).
- Marcus, S., García-Herrero, A. and L. Guetta-Jeanrenaud (2022), Promotion of high capacity broadband to rebuild and recover from the pandemic.
- Marcus, S. and A. Monti (2011), Network operators and content providers: Who bears the cost?
- Ofcom (2021), Net Neutrality Review: Consultation.
- Oxera (2023), Proposal for a levy on online content application providers to fund network operators. An economic assessment prepared for the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate.
- Oxygen (2022), Net neutrality. Research into consumer understanding and views on UK net neutrality rules now and in future. Qualitative research report.
- Stocker, V. and W. Lehr (2022), Regulatory Policy for Broadband: A Response to the ‘ETNO Report’s’ Proposal for Intervention in Europe’s Internet Ecosystem.
- Williamson, B. (2022), An internet traffic tax would harm Europe’s digital transformation (Communications Chambers)