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See our Video and Presentations and Photos from the 2018 FCP Annual Conference
Following the Florence Competition Programme’s third Annual Conference: Competition Law and Standard Essential Patents on October 12, we are happy to share a new video about the FCP annual conference and photos of the...
On the 5th of February Prof Parcu participated in the workshop “The digital transformation in the postal sector and its impact on the business models” organized by Assonime, the association of the Italian joint-stock companies. The workshop aimed at discussing the impact of the Digital Single Market Strategy on the sector and a set of open issues including the definition of the relevant markets in an e-substitution context, the possible role of the postal network in providing proximity services to citizens and businesses and how to ensure, in the new scenario, the economic sustainability of the universal service.
Prof Parcu’s intervention followed-up on the paper presented with Paula Gori at the 2018 Postal and Delivery Economics Conference on postal operators as ground-based online platforms. In this recent talk, Prof Parcu’s focused on the implications of the evolution of postal operators’ business models for competition and regulation. The next Postal and Delivery Economics Conference, for which registration opened a few days ago, will offer the opportunity to academics, representatives from companies, regulatory authorities, public institutions, sector-specific associations and consultancies active in the postal and delivery sectors to further discuss the dramatic changes of the ecosystem and perspectives for the future. The conference, supported by key actors of the sector, such as UPS, Pitney Bowes, Ofcom, Poste Italiane, La Poste, Copenhagen Economics, IBM, ComReg, An Post and OXERA, will be held in Dublin, Ireland, on 22-25 May 2019.
Find out more about the 2019 conference and register here.